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8 steps for estimating a cloud application's resource requirements

Learn how to calculate a cloud application's resource needs correctly, in order to minimize common operational issues in production.
Person doing math formulas on chalkboard

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

In a companion article on Enable Architect, Estimating cloud application resource requirements: 5 considerations for architects, I explained the concepts and terms involved with estimating cloud resources needed for new applications. In this article, I'll provide a practical example of estimating what resources an application needs. This example aims to determine the resource requirements of a Todo-spring-quarkus application Eric Deandrea initially set up that's customized to fit this how-to.

This architecture diagram highlights the key components used in the estimation process.

Estimation setup process
(Eric Deandrea, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Get started

Before you can start estimating resource requirements, you need to do some setup.

Get the prerequisites

To follow along with this example, you need to:

  • Have access to an OpenShift cluster
  • Install the OpenShift Pipelines Operator
  • Install a PostgreSQL database for the To-do application
  • Install the Vertical Pod Autoscaler Operator
  • Have access to an external image registry (I use in this example)
  • Create a secret for pulling images from the image registry
  • Create a secret for GitHub
  • Add the registry and GitHub secret to the OpenShift Pipelines service account
  • Download Apache JMeter for performance testing

Set up the environment

I use a script to configure the environment. To run the script, you need the following tools preinstalled:

  • Helm: helm version
  • Git : git version
  • OpenShift CLI oc : oc version download
  • Optional Tekton CLI (tkn): tkn version download Red Hat Build
  • envsubst (gettext): envsubst --help

To get started, clone or fork the source code repository:

$ git clone

Once you have the environment set up, log in to your OpenShift cluster:

$ oc login --token=TOKEN --server=https://api.YOUR_CLUSTER_DOMAIN:6443

Next, create the resource-estimation namespace:

$ oc new-project resource-estimation

Run the setup scripts to install the openshift-pipelines, postgresql, and vertical pod autoscaler operators:

$ cd helm

$ ./

You should see output similar to this:

Installing openshift-pipelines operator
Release "openshift-pipelines" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: openshift-pipelines
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Mar 16 20:59:36 2021
NAMESPACE: resource-estimation
STATUS: deployed
Installing postgresql Operator
Release "postgresql" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: postgresql
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Mar 16 20:59:42 2021
NAMESPACE: resource-estimation
STATUS: deployed
Installing vertical pod autoscler
Release "vertical-pod-autoscaler" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: vertical-pod-autoscaler
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Mar 16 20:59:42 2021
NAMESPACE: resource-estimation
STATUS: deployed

Now that you have the openshift-pipelines, postgresql, and vertical pod autoscaler operators installed, set up your GitHub and secrets and add them to the Openshift Pipeline service account:

$ ./

$ ./

[ Start crafting code in OpenShift. Download the eBook OpenShift for Developers. ]

8 steps for estimating resources

Before I get deeper into the process, I want to outline the steps for estimating the resource requirements and determining the resource quota to use for the Todo-spring-quarkus namespace. They are:

  1. Define performance goals.
  2. Check the startup time. This is important for scaling in peak periods.
  3. Adjust for a fast initial startup time.
    • Determine the best resource requirement for the startup time needed.
    • This is not applicable to every use case.
  4. What is the breakpoint with one pod? Note the resource usage.
    • Is the breakpoint lower than the desired performance target?
    • How many replicas are needed initially to achieve the desired performance target?
  5. What is the resource requirement to achieve the desired throughput with a typical workload? (You need to run this for a period of time, say one day to one week.)
  6. What is the resource requirement to cope with spikes and "Black Friday" requests?
  7. Estimate the resource usage per pod and container.
  8. Use that result to determine the quota.

Set up the Todo application deployment and tools

Before you go through the processes outlined above, you need to prepare the application and the tools.

1. Install and deploy the Todo-spring application

These steps build on the previous environment setup steps. Make sure the commands below have completed successfully:

$ cd helm
$ ./
$ ./
$ ./

The Todo application uses the tekton-pipeline/todo-pipeline.yaml file to build and deploy to OpenShift. The application can be deployed as a Quarkus or Spring Boot application. I am using the Spring Boot version for this example.

First, install the PostgreSQL database that the application uses:

$ oc apply -f ../todo-spring-quarkus/k8s/postgresql-instance.yaml created

Next, deploy the application:

$ cd tekton-pipeline

$ ./build-deploy-todo-spring v1.3.8

This process builds the application, tags the created image as v1.3.8, pushes it to, and deploys it to OpenShift.

openshift pipeline
OpenShift pipeline (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

pipeline deployment
OpenShift pipeline's build step (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)
quay repository
Todo-spring image repository (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)
openshift pipeline
OpenShift pipeline's deploy step (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Todo Application Topology
Todo application topology (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

The application may fail the readiness check if it does not have enough processing units to complete the initialization process. I'll provide more information about this later. To meet the required startup time for the readiness probe, update the deployment as follows:

       - resources:
             cpu: 600m
             memory: 512Mi
             cpu: 300m
             memory: 128Mi

The startup time should now be fast enough for the application to pass the readiness check.

Todo Application Page
Todo application page (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Todo Application Swagger UI
Todo application's Swagger UI (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

2. Monitor the application's resource usage

The Vertical Pod Autoscaler Operator (VPA) automatically reviews the historical and current CPU and memory resources for containers in pods and can update the resource limits and requests based on the usage values it learns.

The VPA uses individual custom resources (CR) to update all of the pods associated with a workload object, such as a Deployment, Deployment Config, StatefulSet, Job, DaemonSet, ReplicaSet, or ReplicationController.

The VPA helps you understand the optimal CPU and memory usage for your pods and can automatically maintain pod resources through the pod lifecycle.

[ Looking for insight on DevSecOps? Download the checklist Considerations for implementing DevSecOps practices. ]

The VPA has three main components:

  • Recommender monitors the current and past resource consumption and provides recommended values for the container's CPU and memory requests.
  • Updater checks which of the pods have the correct resources set, and if they don't, kills them so that their controllers with the updated requests can re-create them.
  • Admission plugin sets the correct resource requests on new pods.

Here is the vpa.yaml file:

kind: VerticalPodAutoscaler
 name: todo-recommender-vpa
   apiVersion: "apps/v1"
   kind: Deployment
   name: todo-spring
   updateMode: "Off"

The VPA recommendations are stored in the status. As you can see in vpa.yaml, the updateMode: "Off" means no changes to the selected resources are performed based on the recommended values in the status. There are two other types: updateMode: "Initial" and updateMode: "Auto".

  • Initial means recommendations are applied during pod creation, and they influence scheduling decisions.
  • Auto means pods are automatically restarted with the updated resources based on recommendations.

The VPA is not currently recommended for production environments, but it is an excellent tool to deploy in the development environment for estimating resource usage.

It's time to create the CR:

$ oc apply -f ..//todo-spring-quarkus/k8s/vpa.yaml created

3. Record test plans using Apache JMeter

Now that you have the Todo application up and running, the next step is to create the test plans based on the Todo endpoints. For this example, the endpoints to profile are:

$ curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: */*"
$ curl -X PUT "" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":0,\"title\":\"Test Resource Estimation\",\"completed\":true}"
$ curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":0,\"title\":\"string\",\"completed\":true}"

First, download Apache JMeter, extract it in a directory, and start the application:

$ unzip
$ cd apache-jmeter-5.4.1
$ ./bin/
Don't use GUI mode for load testing !, only for Test creation and Test debugging.
For load testing, use CLI Mode (was NON GUI):
  jmeter -n -t [jmx file] -l [results file] -e -o [Path to web report folder]
& increase Java Heap to meet your test requirements:
  Modify current env variable HEAP="-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m" in the jmeter batch file
Check :
Apache JMeter GUI
Apache JMeter GUI (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Design the load-testing plan

The first step in designing a load-testing plan is to understand the system's performance goal or target from a business perspective.

Here are the performance requirements for the Todo application:

  • Throughput: It must be able to process a minimum of 1,000 transactions per second.
  • Error rate: It has a 0.06% error rate, meaning the application must perform at a minimum of 99.94%.
  • Boot-up time: It has relatively fast boot time <= 40sec. This is necessary in case there is a need for scaling.
  • Concurrent users: It must be able to handle up to 2,000 users or requests per second.
  • Peak/Black Friday period users: It must be able to handle up to 4,000 users or requests per second within one minute windows.

One way to set up your test script is using JMeter's Test Script Recorder. See this step-by-step guide for more information.

Once you have test scripts that mimic the type of user interaction you would like to perform, the next step is to configure the Thread Group, which defines a pool of virtual users that will execute the test case against the system. See Elements of a Test Plan for more information.

[ Are you moving workloads to the cloud but having issues with legacy processes and organizational structures? O'Reilly's eBook Accelerating cloud adoption might help. ]

I have designed two test scripts to execute against the Todo application:

1. Normal load: At any given point in time, there will be 2,000 concurrent users on the system per second. For this example, you will run the normal load for one hour while monitoring the performance and the configuration's ability to handle such requests.

Normal Load Test Script
Normal load test script (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

2. Peak/Black Friday load: For a peak load, you expect 4,000 additional concurrent users to be on the system for several cycles within a second for a total of one minute. This is in addition to the 2,000 concurrent users on the system per second in a normal load scenario, making a total of 6,000 concurrent users per second.

Peak Load Test Script
Peak load test script (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Execute the test script and monitor performance and resources

I recommend using the Apache JMeter command-line interface (CLI) to execute the test scripts. The main benefit of the CLI over the graphical user interface (GUI) for load testing is that it consumes fewer resources and gives more reliable results than the GUI. This is a recommended approach for running a load test as it avoids the overhead of the JMeter GUI. The CLI also generates several reports you can use to analyze the application's performance.

NOTE: Use JMeter GUI only to create, maintain, and validate the scripts. Once the script is validated, use the CLI to run the load test.

OpenShift Monitoring and the installed VPA CR will monitor the resource usage.

Previously I listed the eight steps for estimating resources to fulfill the performance requirements, and I'll repeat them for clarity:

  1. Define performance goals.
  2. Check the startup time. This is important for scaling in peak periods.
  3. Adjust for a fast initial startup time:
    • Determine the best resource requirement for the startup time needed.
    • This is not applicable to every use case.
  4. What is the breakpoint with one pod? Note the resource usage.
    • Is the breakpoint lower than the desired performance target?
    • How many replicas are needed initially to achieve the desired performance target?
  5. What is the resource requirement to achieve the desired throughput with a typical workload? (You need to run this for a period of time, say one day to one week.)
  6. What is the resource requirement to cope with spikes and "Black Friday" requests?
  7. Estimate the resource usage per pod/container.
  8. Use that result to determine the quota.

1. Determine the right resources to achieve the required startup time

The application's startup time requirement is <= 40sec. This is important because you may want to scale during peak periods (such as Black Friday) by adding more pod replicas to cater to the load. The current configuration fails the Startup probe because the application takes a long time to initialize. The CPU is throttled based on the current CPU request and limit configurations.

       - image: ''
         imagePullPolicy: Always
         name: todo-spring
             memory: "512Mi"
             cpu: "60m" 
             memory: "128Mi"
             cpu: "30m"
           - containerPort: 8080
             protocol: TCP
             path: /health
             port: 8080
           failureThreshold: 3
           periodSeconds: 40

The pod will be killed and restarted based on its restartPolicy.

Crash loop
CrashLoopBackOff (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)
failed startup probe message
Failed startup probe (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Failed pod indicator
Failed pod (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

The solution is to bump up the CPU resources to give it enough processing power to start at the required target of less than 40 seconds. The new configuration is below:

   memory: "768Mi"
   cpu: "240m" 
   memory: "512Mi"
   cpu: "200m"

With a CPU resource request of 200m and 240m (20% of request value) limit, the startup time of 73.902 seconds does not meet the startup performance target. The pod will be restarted because it's lower than the startup probe.

Startup fail
Startup not up to target (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

To achieve that target, play around with the request and limit (20% of request).

   memory: "768Mi"
   cpu: "480m" 
   memory: "512Mi"
   cpu: "400m"

This new configuration meets the startup target of less than 40 seconds:

Startup success
Startup target met (Olu Oteniya, CC BY-SA 4.0)

To achieve optimal performance, do not forget to tune the runtime parameters, such as the JVM parameters for Java.

2. Determine the resource requirement for a normal load

Now that you have achieved the required startup time, the next step is to determine the number of resources required to achieve the target throughput under a normal workload. It is also important to note that the Todo application is more CPU intensive than memory. For example, it does not require any data transformation.

The table below highlights the resource estimation for a normal load of 2,000 virtual users per second for two minutes. For a more accurate result, run the workload for at least five hours up to two weeks.

With CPU request of 400m and limit of 480m:

Table 1 (Damon Garn, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Based on Table 1, to achieve the performance target of a minimum of 1,000tps and a maximum 0.06% allowed error rate, you need four pods with memory limits of 512mi and 480m of CPU. If you were to request a quota based on this, it would require two cores of CPU and 2Gi of memory in the namespace. The configuration used for the table above is shown below.

For a Burstable configuration (one that can exceed normal bandwidths for a short time):

   memory: "768Mi"
   cpu: "480m" 
   memory: "512Mi"
   cpu: "400m"

For a Guaranteed configuration (where CPU and memory are the same for every container):

   memory: "768Mi"
   cpu: "480m" 
   memory: "768Mi"
   cpu: "480m"

With CPU request of 480m and limit of 576m (a 20% increase):

Table 2  (Damon Garn, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Table 2 shows that three pod replicas are required to meet the performance target with memory limits of 512Mi and 576m of CPU limit, which is a 20% CPU resource increase over the configuration from Table 1. If you were to request a quota based on this, it would require 1.7 cores of CPU and 1.5Gi of memory in the namespace.

With CPU request of 576m and limit of 692m (an additional 20% increase):

Table 3 (Damon Garn, CC BY-SA 4.0)

In Table 3, you see that two pod replicas are required to meet the performance target with memory limits of 768Mi and 692m of CPU limit, which is a 20% CPU resource increase over the configuration from Table 2. If you were to request a quota based on this, it would require 1384m of CPU and 1536Mi of memory in the namespace.

The application gets killed if you reduce the memory by 20% to optimize the resources. This indicates that the memory requirement set for the application is optimal since it can sustain the normal load, but the pods get killed once reduced by 20% of the current value.

With CPU request of 692m and limit of 830m (20% increase):

Table 4 (Damon Garn, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Table 4 indicates that a further CPU increase of 20% improved the throughput, but the error rate increased above the allowed threshold.

Therefore, the optimal configuration for the performance target is what you see in Table 3, which is a memory limit of 768Mi and 692m of CPU limit with two pod replicas.

3. Determine the resource requirement for a peak load

Starting with the optimal resource requirement for a normal workload, put a peak workload on the system and determine how many replicas you need to handle the load and still achieve the performance target.

Table 5 (Damon Garn, CC BY-SA 4.0)

4. Calculate the resource quota for the application namespace

Based on the normal and peak "Black Friday" workloads, Table 6 indicates the number of resources required to run the application successfully.

Table 6 (Damon Garn, CC BY-SA 4.0)
kind: ResourceQuota
apiVersion: v1
 name: resource-estimation-rq
 namespace: resource-estimation
   limits.cpu: 1684m
   limits.memory: 2304Mi
   pods: '3'
   requests.cpu: 1452m
   requests.memory: 1792Mi
   - NotTerminating

Wrap up

Estimating the resources an application needs is very challenging. It takes time and effort; hence the process is more art than science. First, identify a good starting point, aiming for a balance of CPU and memory. After you've decided on a suitable resource size for the application, you also need to set up a process to monitor the application's resource actual usage constantly over a period of time. The Deploying Vertical Pod Autoscaler and other monitoring tools such as OpenShift Monitoring console help with this.

In summary, to estimate the resources an application needs, you must first determine the performance target of the application, profile and tune the application, perform load testing to simulate the typical and peak loads, monitor the application over a period of time, and then review the estimated and actual resource usage.

Topics:   Cloud   OpenShift   Infrastructure   Monitoring  
Author’s photo

Olu Oteniya

Olu is a Senior Architect at Red Hat, working with various customers in the last few years to formulate their digital transformation strategy to respond to the constantly changing business environments. More about me

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